Flexible Solutions

Whether you’re looking to monitor your health, help a loved one manage a health condition, share information with your caregiver and physician or if you are a health team looking to manage a large cohort of patients remotely, we have the perfect solution for you!

Individual Use (Care@Home)

Using the myBioVU app that comes with your device purchase, you can seamlessly monitor your vital signs (ECG, BP, SpO2 and Temperature) and keep your data safe on your smartphone, including long-term trending information.


Clinicians (Visit@Home)

Through our cloud-based platform, as a clinician, you can monitor your patient vital signs remotely. You will also be able to initiate a video call directly from our app while reviewing the vital signs and trending information.


Health Systems (Hospital@Home)

Hospitals, clinics or health teams can enroll and manage a large cohort of patients using our flexible cloud solution to configure care plans, triage patients, educate patients, survey patients and deliver Care@Home to patients.

BioVU Quattro the 4-in-1 Device

Vital Signs Measurements Made Easy

No more clutter and managing multiple devices!

BioVU’s ‘Care@Home’ technology collects 4 critical vital signs using a single palm-sized wireless device – BioVU Quattro. Our connected scale, BioVU KG, allows seamless weight and BMI measurement. Connecting patients and clinicians to allow better access to care while removing geographic barriers.

Every patient at any time, anywhere!

ECG Measurement
Single Lead ECG for chronic and episodic heart rhythm monitoring
Blood Oxygen Measurement
SpO2 measurement with a single touch for monitoring respiratory conditions or general health
Blood Pressure Measurement
Measure BP using a specially designed blood pressure cuff and trend the results
Temperature Measurement
Forehead temperature measurement using the built-in InfraRed sensor

The Platform

Please Book a Demo with us or drop us a line

Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring

Patient Satisfaction Results

Improved Quality of Life
Family & Caregiver Confidence
Feel the Need to Visit ER
Easy to Use Technology
Confident About Sharing Personal Information
Less Travel to Receive Care

Acute Care Resource Utilization

Reduced Emergency Visits
Reduced Acute Care Admissions
Reduced 30-day Hospital Re-admissions
Decreased Total Length of Stay
Reduced Primary Care Visits

The Process



    Health Systems

    • 1. Download

      Get the myBioVU app for your device (Apple, Android)

    • 2. Link

      Connect BioVU Quattro to your device via Bluetooth

    • 3. Measure

      Take Vital Signs Measurements

    • 4. Share

      Send your data to your caregiver or physician

    • 1. Connect

      Have your patients connect with you via myBioVU app

    • 2. View

      View your patients vital signs and trends in real-time

    • 3. eVisit

      Virtual visit with your patient directly through the myBioVU app

    • 1. Enroll

      Register patient on the ClinicVU platform

    • 2. Assign

      Send a BioVU Quattro device to your patient

    • 3. Desgin

      Start creating custom Care Plans for each Health Condition to monitor and triage

    • 4. Analyze

      Analyze the patient’s data or use our AI-driven algorithms